Sunday, March 10, 2013


There are days I feel completely inadequate at this job. More days than not, we do no formal schooling at all. Alani and I actually both really enjoy doing the work together, when we do it, but I have yet to find a rhythm that doesn't include a toddler who refuses to cooperate or being able to organize myself early enough in the day. There have been several times over the past few weeks/months where I feel the only day we school is on our busiest day of the week, Wednesday. . we're already being productive and Alani seems to need even more entertainment and stimulation.

Alani LOVES math... I recently printed out some skip counting worksheets because they went easily along with the new start in multiplication. She happily does a math worksheet, even ones she doesn't understand, she tries to figure out, any day of the week.

When we sit down and do work, I feel like it goes quickly and we can get a lot in, but then I think to myself "surely I'm not giving her enough, if this is all the time it takes to complete.. .why, then, am I unable to just get this done every single day?" I also always feel like I lack on getting reading time in with her. . .because I do. . .the hours in the day feel full already. . .she doesn't seem to be behind, by any means, but I feel like we started out this school year ahead and with good intention and now I've caused her to fall back into pace with everyone else. . .boo. . .I don't want to be the one holding her back from learning at her true potential!

I have employed so many varieties of organization and still I struggle with keeping a steady working time each day. .. HELP!